Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014


Alhamdulillah, this afternoon was my husband's the second annual review, or annual test, or mini viva, or whatever it's called. I feel relief even I don't know the result yet. Several days before, my husband was very busy and stressful doing his writing, his health also little bit drop. I felt sorry with his condition, but he was always keep saying okay when I asked about his condition. Every morning he still took our daughter to school, and picked up her after school. Every evening he did the chores such as dry the clothes, wash the plates, or clean the kitchen. He made me worry with all his activities related with his healthy. 

This evening, he went home with a happy face, alhamdulillah. He ate a lot, and played with our daughter. He said to me that everything was going right, but we need to wait for about 2 weeks until we know the result. Now he is doing another job, he wants to finish his publication soon. We both is very busy with each laptop. He is doing his study, while I am doing my blog.

I hope Allah SWT helps him in every single step. I remind him always make dua before doing anything, keep remembering Allah, so Allah will always remember us both in sadness or happiness. Ameen.

#Ayat hari ini:
Surat Al-'Alaq (Segumpal Darah) ayat 16-19

16. (yaitu) ubun-ubun orang yang mendustakan dan durhaka.
17. Maka biarlah dia memanggil golongannya (untuk menolongnya),
18. kelak Kami akan memanggil Malaikat Zabaniyah (penyiksa orang-orang yang berdosa),
19. sekali-kali tidak! Janganlah kamu patuh kepadanya; dan sujudlah serta dekatkanlah (dirimu kepada Allah).

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