Sabtu, 27 September 2014

The Cracked Egg

Story and illustrated by: Ara Marzie

One stormy night, a little boy called James was outside in the rain. He is a kind boy, he has yellow curly hair and a green T-shirt. When he was walking, he saw an egg falling from the nest in the tree. It accidently cracked and a baby owl was crying. The mother owl didn't get the baby or the cracked egg, because her right wing was hurt.

"Are you okay?", asked James. "Twittawooo!", shouted the owl. "Do you want to go to the doctor with me tomorrow?", asked James nicely. The owl nodded. "Here I found three worms for you and your baby. I don't like worms, worms are not human favourite food." said James.

"James come back home....its time for bed!" shouted James's Mum. "Sorry for scaring you baby owl and mother owl." said James nicely. The End

#Ayat hari ini:
Surat Asy-Syams (Matahari) ayat 11-15

11. (Kaum) Samud telah mendustakan (rasulnya) karena mereka melampaui batas (zalim),
12. ketika bangkit orang yang paling celaka diantara mereka,
13. lalu Rasul Allah (Saleh) berkata kepada mereka, "(Biarkanlah) unta betina dari Allah ini dengan minumannya."
14. Namun mereka mendustakannya dan menyembelihnya, karena itu Tuhan membinasakan mereka karena dosanya, lalu diratakan-Nya (dengan tanah),
15. Dan Dia tidak takut terhadap akibatnya.

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