Senin, 15 September 2014

A Medal for Ara

Last week was the first time Ara went to school after long summer holidays. She was very nervous, me too of course, because She in year 3 that's mean She is in Key Stage 2 now. More homeworks and less play times. But it isn't the point I want to tell you. It will be about a medal.

Yes, last week she got a medal as a star of the day in her class. I was very proud of her. I asked her why she got the medal. She said because her drawing was very good. She drew a ghost train. Her teacher told a story about a ghost train, and then all of the student was asked by the teacher to draw something related with those story.

Usually when she was at Key Stage 1, the teacher gave a sticker or a certificate to the student who was chosen as a star of the day. But, that time the teacher gave a medal that should be return in the following day. So we need to take Ara's pictures with her medal as a documentation. I also sent the photograph to her grandmother and grandfather. They were very proud.   

The medal was very important for my daughter. She feels happy to herself, her self confidence is growing. It was not just about the medal, but more than that, it also about positive feeling that grow in her self. 

#setelah libur les lama kok ya sulit banget nulis hal yang sederhana macam gini huft...ora popo sing penting terus latihan, sinau....sinau....

#Ayat hari ini:
Surat Al Fajr (Fajar) ayat 16-20

16. Namun apabila Tuhan mengujinya lalu membatasi rezekinya, maka dia berkata, "Tuhanku telah menghinaku (menghinakanku)."
17. Sekali-kali tidak! Bahkan kamu tidak memuliakan anak yatim,
18. dan kamu tidak saling mengajak mamberi makan orang miskin,
19. sedangkan kamu memakan harta warisan dengan cara mencampurbaurkan (yang halal dan yang haram),
20. dan kamu mencintai harta dengan kecintaan yang berlebihan.

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