Jumat, 30 Januari 2015

Activities to Develop My Child's Math Skill.

There are many activities we can do to improve our children's Math skills. My daughter is in year 3 now, and her Math is getting more difficult. As a parent, I want to help her in all subjects, including Math. Usually I help her doing her homework, her multiplication and number bonds. Sometimes I help her with paper and pencil methods, but sometimes through daily activities. So, without she realized, she has learned lots of things.   

Playing with puzzles:
We have 100 pieces Disney puzzle, but that day we didn't play puzzle in an ordinary way. We used puzzle to develop estimating skill. So, what we needed to do was take a handful of pieces and guessed how many pieces in it. We did it in turn. In the early tried, my daughter got difficulties in guessing. She tended to guess the amount of the pieces too many than what we had in actual numbers. But after we did it several times, her estimate skill was increasing. Even, she correctly guessed twice. I was very proud of her. She also felt very happy with what we had done that day. 
Ayo tebak, ada berapa jumlah puzzle di tangan?

Playing with a Baking Scales

I have a baking scale in the kitchen. First, I asked my daughter to take toys, books, pencils or anything she liked. After that we put the things one by one on the scale and we checked the number to know how weigh it was. My daughter also wrote it down what she had measured in her note.  Through this activity, my daughter could learn: how to use a baking scale, how to read the number on the scale, how to weigh things, know about metric measurement, which thing is heavier than the others things, and so on. She was very enjoying the activity because she could do an experiment by putting everything in the scale to know its weigh.
Mari menimbang-nimbang

Making a Saving Can

Sometimes I give my daughter pocket money, not much, approximately about 20 or 50 pence. To keep her pocket money save, her father helped her to make a saving box from a chocolate wafer can. She was very excited and started counting her pocket money. From this activity she could learn: how to save money, how to count money, what the differences between pence and pound. We also learned about Indonesian money, so she knew about the currency.
Celengan dari kaleng wafer
Loom Bands
Children can learn how to make a beautiful pattern with loom bands. My daughter loves to play with loom bands. She likes to make bracelets or sometimes necklaces. Math is not only about how to multiply, add, or take away number, but also knowing patterns. So through this activity, my daughter can improve her math skill. 
Membuat gelang pola warna-warni dengan loom bands
# Ayat hari ini:
Surat Al-Baqarah (Sapi Betina) ayat 21-25:
21. Wahai manusia! Sembahlah Tuhanmu yang telah menciptakan kamu dan orang-orang yang sebelum kamu, agar kamu bertakwa.
22. (Dialah) yang menjadikan bumi sebagai hamparan bagimu dan langit sabagai atap, dan Dialah yang menurunkan air (hujan) dari langit, lalu Dia hasilkan dengan (hujan) itu buah-buahan sebagai rezeki untukmu. Karena itu janganlah kamu mengadakan tandingan-tandingan bagi Allah, padahal kamu mengetahui.
23. Dan jika kamu meragukan (Al-Qur'an) yang Kami turunkan kepada hamba Kami (Muhammad), maka buatlah satu surah semisal dengannya dan ajaklah penolong-penolongmu selain Allah,, jika kamu orang-orang yang benar.
24. Jika kamu tidak mampu membuatnya, dan (pasti) tidak akan mampu, maka takutlah kamu akan api neraka yang bahan bakarnya manusia dan batu ynag disediakan bagi orang-orang kafir.
25. Dan sampaikanlah kabar gembira kepada orang-orang yang beriman dan berbuat kebajikan, bahwa untuk mereka (disediakan) surge-surga yang mengalir dibawahnya sungai-sungai. Setiap kali mereka diberi rezeki buah-buahan dari surge, mereka berkata, "Inilah rezeki yang diberikan kepada kami dahulu." Mereka telah diberi (buah-buahan) yang serupa. Dan di sana mereka (memperoleh) pasangan-pasangan yang suci. Mereka kekal di dalamnya.

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